



本节讨论了Alembic 的内部 API,涉及定义迁移操作指令的内部系统。本节仅对希望扩展 Alembic 功能的开发人员有用。有关 Alembic 迁移操作的最终用户指南,请参阅 操作参考

在迁移脚本中,实际的数据库迁移操作通过 Operations 的实例进行处理。 Operations 类列出了可用的迁移操作,这些操作链接到 MigrationContext,后者将 Operations 对象发出的指令传达为发送到数据库或 SQL 输出流的 SQL。

Operations 类上的大多数方法都是使用“插件”系统动态生成的,该系统在下一节 操作插件 中进行了描述。此外,当 Alembic 迁移脚本实际运行时,当前 Operations 对象上的方法将代理到 alembic.op 模块,以便可以使用模块样式的访问方式访问它们。

有关如何在程序中直接使用 Operations 对象的概述,以及有关标准操作方法和“批处理”方法的参考,请参阅 操作参考


Operations 对象可使用插件系统进行扩展。此系统允许在运行时添加新的 op.<some_operation> 方法。使用此系统的步骤首先是创建 MigrateOperation 的子类,使用 Operations.register_operation() 类装饰器注册它,然后构建一个使用 Operations.implementation_for() 装饰器建立的默认“实现”函数。

下面我们说明一个非常简单的操作 CreateSequenceOp,它将在迁移脚本中实现一个新方法 op.create_sequence()

from alembic.operations import Operations, MigrateOperation

class CreateSequenceOp(MigrateOperation):
    """Create a SEQUENCE."""

    def __init__(self, sequence_name, schema=None):
        self.sequence_name = sequence_name
        self.schema = schema

    def create_sequence(cls, operations, sequence_name, **kw):
        """Issue a "CREATE SEQUENCE" instruction."""

        op = CreateSequenceOp(sequence_name, **kw)
        return operations.invoke(op)

    def reverse(self):
        # only needed to support autogenerate
        return DropSequenceOp(self.sequence_name, schema=self.schema)

class DropSequenceOp(MigrateOperation):
    """Drop a SEQUENCE."""

    def __init__(self, sequence_name, schema=None):
        self.sequence_name = sequence_name
        self.schema = schema

    def drop_sequence(cls, operations, sequence_name, **kw):
        """Issue a "DROP SEQUENCE" instruction."""

        op = DropSequenceOp(sequence_name, **kw)
        return operations.invoke(op)

    def reverse(self):
        # only needed to support autogenerate
        return CreateSequenceOp(self.sequence_name, schema=self.schema)

在上面,CreateSequenceOpDropSequenceOp 类表示将作为 op.create_sequence()op.drop_sequence() 可用的新操作。将操作表示为有状态类的原因是,可以通用地表示操作和一组特定参数;然后,状态可以对应于不同类型的操作,例如针对数据库调用指令,或将操作的 Python 代码自动生成到脚本中。

为了建立新操作的迁移脚本行为,我们使用 Operations.implementation_for() 装饰器

def create_sequence(operations, operation):
    if operation.schema is not None:
        name = "%s.%s" % (operation.schema, operation.sequence_name)
        name = operation.sequence_name
    operations.execute("CREATE SEQUENCE %s" % name)

def drop_sequence(operations, operation):
    if operation.schema is not None:
        name = "%s.%s" % (operation.schema, operation.sequence_name)
        name = operation.sequence_name
    operations.execute("DROP SEQUENCE %s" % name)

上面,我们使用最简单的技术来调用我们的 DDL,它只是使用带文字 SQL 的 Operations.execute() 来调用。如果这是自定义操作所需要的全部,那么这很好。然而,更全面支持的选项包括构建自定义 SQL 构造,如在 自定义 SQL 构造和编译扩展 中所记录。

通过上述两个步骤,迁移脚本现在可以使用新方法 op.create_sequence()op.drop_sequence(),它们将作为类方法代理到我们的对象

def upgrade():

def downgrade():

新操作的注册只需要在 env.py 脚本调用 MigrationContext.run_migrations() 时及时发生;在 env.py 脚本的模块级别就足够了。


自动生成自定义操作指令 - 如何向自定义操作添加自动生成支持。


Operations 上显示的迁移操作本身是通过表示操作及其参数的操作对象传递的。所有操作都从 MigrateOperation 类派生,并使用 Operations.register_operation() 类装饰器向 Operations 类注册。 MigrateOperation 对象还作为自动生成系统如何呈现新迁移脚本的基础。


alembic.operations.ops.AddColumnOp(table_name: str, column: Column[Any], *, schema: str | None = None, **kw: Any)#


类方法 add_column(operations: Operations, table_name: str, column: Column[Any], *, schema: str | None = None) None#

此方法通过 Operations 类中的 Operations.add_column() 方法进行代理。

classmethod batch_add_column(operations: BatchOperations, column: Column[Any], *, insert_before: str | None = None, insert_after: str | None = None) None#

此方法通过 BatchOperations 类中的 BatchOperations.add_column() 方法进行代理。

class alembic.operations.ops.AddConstraintOp#


class alembic.operations.ops.AlterColumnOp(table_name: str, column_name: str, *, schema: str | None = None, existing_type: Any | None = None, existing_server_default: Any = False, existing_nullable: bool | None = None, existing_comment: str | None = None, modify_nullable: bool | None = None, modify_comment: str | Literal[False] | None = False, modify_server_default: Any = False, modify_name: str | None = None, modify_type: Any | None = None, **kw: Any)#


classmethod alter_column(operations: Operations, table_name: str, column_name: str, *, nullable: bool | None = None, comment: str | Literal[False] | None = False, server_default: Any = False, new_column_name: str | None = None, type_: TypeEngine[Any] | Type[TypeEngine[Any]] | None = None, existing_type: TypeEngine[Any] | Type[TypeEngine[Any]] | None = None, existing_server_default: str | bool | Identity | Computed | None = False, existing_nullable: bool | None = None, existing_comment: str | None = None, schema: str | None = None, **kw: Any) None#

此方法通过 Operations 类中的 Operations.alter_column() 方法进行代理。

classmethod batch_alter_column(operations: BatchOperations, column_name: str, *, nullable: bool | None = None, comment: str | Literal[False] | None = False, server_default: Any = False, new_column_name: str | None = None, type_: TypeEngine[Any] | Type[TypeEngine[Any]] | None = None, existing_type: TypeEngine[Any] | Type[TypeEngine[Any]] | None = None, existing_server_default: str | bool | Identity | Computed | None = False, existing_nullable: bool | None = None, existing_comment: str | None = None, insert_before: str | None = None, insert_after: str | None = None, **kw: Any) None#

此方法通过 BatchOperations 类中的 BatchOperations.alter_column() 方法进行代理。

class alembic.operations.ops.AlterTableOp(table_name: str, *, schema: str | None = None)#


alembic.operations.ops.BulkInsertOp(table: Table | TableClause, rows: List[Dict[str, Any]], *, multiinsert: bool = True)#


类方法 bulk_insert(operations: Operations, table: Table | TableClause, rows: List[Dict[str, Any]], *, multiinsert: bool = True) None#

此方法在 Operations 类中通过 Operations.bulk_insert() 方法代理。

alembic.operations.ops.CreateCheckConstraintOp(constraint_name: sqla_compat._ConstraintNameDefined | None, table_name: str, condition: str | TextClause | ColumnElement[Any], *, schema: str | None = None, **kw: Any)#


类方法 batch_create_check_constraint(operations: BatchOperations, constraint_name: str, condition: str | ColumnElement[bool] | TextClause, **kw: Any) None#

此方法在 BatchOperations 类上通过 BatchOperations.create_check_constraint() 方法进行代理。

classmethod create_check_constraint(operations: Operations, constraint_name: str | None, table_name: str, condition: str | ColumnElement[bool] | TextClause, *, schema: str | None = None, **kw: Any) None#

此方法在 Operations 类上通过 Operations.create_check_constraint() 方法进行代理。

class alembic.operations.ops.CreateForeignKeyOp(constraint_name: str | _NoneName | None, source_table: str, referent_table: str, local_cols: List[str], remote_cols: List[str], **kw: Any)#


classmethod batch_create_foreign_key(operations: BatchOperations, constraint_name: str | None, referent_table: str, local_cols: List[str], remote_cols: List[str], *, referent_schema: str | None = None, onupdate: str | None = None, ondelete: str | None = None, deferrable: bool | None = None, initially: str | None = None, match: str | None = None, **dialect_kw: Any) None#

此方法在 BatchOperations 类上通过 BatchOperations.create_foreign_key() 方法进行代理。

classmethod create_foreign_key(operations: Operations, constraint_name: str | None, source_table: str, referent_table: str, local_cols: List[str], remote_cols: List[str], *, onupdate: str | None = None, ondelete: str | None = None, deferrable: bool | None = None, initially: str | None = None, match: str | None = None, source_schema: str | None = None, referent_schema: str | None = None, **dialect_kw: Any) None#

此方法通过 Operations 类中的 Operations.create_foreign_key() 方法代理。

class alembic.operations.ops.CreateIndexOp(index_name: str | None, table_name: str, columns: Sequence[str | TextClause | ColumnElement[Any]], *, schema: str | None = None, unique: bool = False, if_not_exists: bool | None = None, **kw: Any)#


classmethod batch_create_index(operations: BatchOperations, index_name: str, columns: List[str], **kw: Any) None#

此方法通过 BatchOperations 类中的 BatchOperations.create_index() 方法代理。

classmethod create_index(operations: Operations, index_name: str | None, table_name: str, columns: Sequence[str | TextClause | Function[Any]], *, schema: str | None = None, unique: bool = False, if_not_exists: bool | None = None, **kw: Any) None#

此方法通过 Operations 类中的 Operations.create_index() 方法代理。

alembic.operations.ops.CreatePrimaryKeyOp(constraint_name: str | _NoneName | None, table_name: str, columns: Sequence[str], *, schema: str | None = None, **kw: Any)#


类方法 batch_create_primary_key(operations: BatchOperations, constraint_name: str | None, columns: List[str]) None#

此方法在 BatchOperations 类中通过 BatchOperations.create_primary_key() 方法进行代理。

classmethod create_primary_key(operations: Operations, constraint_name: str | None, table_name: str, columns: List[str], *, schema: str | None = None) None#

此方法在 Operations 类中通过 Operations.create_primary_key() 方法进行代理。

类方法 alembic.operations.ops.CreateTableCommentOp(table_name: str, comment: str | None, *, schema: str | None = None, existing_comment: str | None = None)#

表示 COMMENT ON table 操作。

类方法 batch_create_table_comment(operations: BatchOperations, comment: str | None, *, existing_comment: str | None = None) None#

此方法在 BatchOperations 类中通过 BatchOperations.create_table_comment() 方法进行代理。

classmethod create_table_comment(operations: Operations, table_name: str, comment: str | None, *, existing_comment: str | None = None, schema: str | None = None) None#

此方法在 Operations 类中通过 Operations.create_table_comment() 方法进行代理。

reverse() CreateTableCommentOp | DropTableCommentOp#

撤销针对表的 COMMENT ON 操作。

class alembic.operations.ops.CreateTableOp(table_name: str, columns: Sequence[SchemaItem], *, schema: str | None = None, _namespace_metadata: MetaData | None = None, _constraints_included: bool = False, **kw: Any)#


classmethod create_table(operations: Operations, table_name: str, *columns: SchemaItem, **kw: Any) Table#

此方法在 Operations 类中通过 Operations.create_table() 方法进行代理。

class alembic.operations.ops.CreateUniqueConstraintOp(constraint_name: str | _NoneName | None, table_name: str, columns: Sequence[str], *, schema: str | None = None, **kw: Any)#


classmethod batch_create_unique_constraint(operations: BatchOperations, constraint_name: str, columns: Sequence[str], **kw: Any) Any#

此方法在 BatchOperations 类中通过 BatchOperations.create_unique_constraint() 方法代理。

classmethod create_unique_constraint(operations: Operations, constraint_name: str | None, table_name: str, columns: Sequence[str], *, schema: str | None = None, **kw: Any) Any#

此方法在 Operations 类中通过 Operations.create_unique_constraint() 方法代理。

class alembic.operations.ops.DowngradeOps(ops: Sequence[MigrateOperation] = (), downgrade_token: str = 'downgrades')#


alembic.operations.ops.DropColumnOp(table_name: str, column_name: str, *, schema: str | None = None, _reverse: AddColumnOp | None = None, **kw: Any)#


类方法 batch_drop_column(operations: BatchOperations, column_name: str, **kw: Any) None#

此方法通过 BatchOperations.drop_column() 方法代理到 BatchOperations 类上。

类方法 drop_column(operations: Operations, table_name: str, column_name: str, *, schema: str | None = None, **kw: Any) None#

此方法通过 Operations.drop_column() 方法在 Operations 类上进行代理。

class alembic.operations.ops.DropConstraintOp(constraint_name: str | _NoneName | None, table_name: str, type_: str | None = None, *, schema: str | None = None, _reverse: AddConstraintOp | None = None)#


类方法 batch_drop_constraint(operations: BatchOperations, constraint_name: str, type_: str | None = None) None#

此方法通过 BatchOperations.drop_constraint() 方法代理到 BatchOperations 类上。

类方法 drop_constraint(operations: Operations, constraint_name: str, table_name: str, type_: str | None = None, *, schema: str | None = None) None#

此方法代理在 Operations 类中,通过 Operations.drop_constraint() 方法。

class alembic.operations.ops.DropIndexOp(index_name: quoted_name | str | conv, table_name: str | None = None, *, schema: str | None = None, if_exists: bool | None = None, _reverse: CreateIndexOp | None = None, **kw: Any)#


类方法 batch_drop_index(operations: BatchOperations, index_name: str, **kw: Any) None#

此方法通过 BatchOperations.drop_index() 方法代理到 BatchOperations 类。

classmethod drop_index(operations: Operations, index_name: str, table_name: str | None = None, *, schema: str | None = None, if_exists: bool | None = None, **kw: Any) None#

此方法通过 Operations.drop_index() 方法代理到 Operations 类。

alembic.operations.ops.DropTableCommentOp(table_name: str, *, schema: str | None = None, existing_comment: str | None = None)#


类方法 batch_drop_table_comment(operations: BatchOperations, *, existing_comment: str | None = None) None#

此方法在 BatchOperations 类上通过 BatchOperations.drop_table_comment() 方法进行代理。

classmethod drop_table_comment(operations: Operations, table_name: str, *, existing_comment: str | None = None, schema: str | None = None) None#

此方法在 Operations 类上通过 Operations.drop_table_comment() 方法进行代理。

reverse() CreateTableCommentOp#

撤销针对表的 COMMENT ON 操作。

class alembic.operations.ops.DropTableOp(table_name: str, *, schema: str | None = None, table_kw: MutableMapping[Any, Any] | None = None, _reverse: CreateTableOp | None = None)#


classmethod drop_table(operations: Operations, table_name: str, *, schema: str | None = None, **kw: Any) None#

此方法通过 Operations.drop_table() 方法在 Operations 类上被代理。

alembic.operations.ops.ExecuteSQLOp(sqltext: 可执行 | str, *, execution_options: dict[str, 任何] | = )#

表示执行 SQL 操作。

类方法 batch_execute(operations: Operations, sqltext: Executable | str, *, execution_options: dict[str, Any] | None = None) None#

此方法通过 BatchOperations.execute() 方法代理到 BatchOperations 类上。

类方法 execute(operations: Operations, sqltext: Executable | str, *, execution_options: dict[str, Any] | None = None) None#

此方法在 Operations 类上通过 Operations.execute() 方法代理。



此系统是操作扩展性 API 的一部分。


一个字典,可用于存储与此 MigrateOperation 对象一起的任意信息。

class alembic.operations.ops.MigrationScript(rev_id: str | None, upgrade_ops: UpgradeOps, downgrade_ops: DowngradeOps, *, message: str | None = None, imports: Set[str] = {}, head: str | None = None, splice: bool | None = None, branch_label: _RevIdType | None = None, version_path: str | None = None, depends_on: _RevIdType | None = None)#



一个普通的 MigrationScript 对象将包含一个 UpgradeOps 和一个 DowngradeOps 指令。这些可以通过 .upgrade_ops.downgrade_ops 属性访问。

对于多次运行的自动生成操作(例如“multidb”模板中的多个数据库示例),.upgrade_ops.downgrade_ops 属性被禁用,而应通过 .upgrade_ops_list.downgrade_ops_list 列表属性来访问这些对象。这些后一个属性至少始终可用作单元素列表。

property downgrade_ops: DowngradeOps | None#

DowngradeOps 的实例。

property downgrade_ops_list: List[DowngradeOps]#

DowngradeOps 实例的列表。

在处理执行多个自动生成传递的修订操作时,这用于代替 MigrationScript.downgrade_ops 属性。

property upgrade_ops: UpgradeOps | None#

UpgradeOps 的实例。

属性 upgrade_ops_list: 列表[UpgradeOps]#

UpgradeOps 实例的列表。

在处理执行多个自动生成传递的修订操作时,这将用于 MigrationScript.upgrade_ops 属性中。

alembic.operations.ops.ModifyTableOps(table_name: str, ops: 序列[MigrateOperation], *, schema: str | = )#


alembic.operations.ops.OpContainer(ops: 序列[MigrateOperation] = ())#


alembic.operations.ops.RenameTableOp(old_table_name: 字符串, new_table_name: 字符串, *, schema: 字符串 | = )#


类方法 rename_table(operations: Operations, old_table_name: str, new_table_name: str, *, schema: str | None = None) None#

此方法通过 Operations.rename_table() 方法,在 Operations 类上进行代理。

alembic.operations.ops.UpgradeOps(ops: Sequence[MigrateOperation] = (), upgrade_token: str = 'upgrades')#
